Saturday, January 2, 2010

2010 Animal Totems...

I did my Animal Totem reading for the new year. I used my Pathfinder's deck.

Here are my 2010 Animal Friends...

Cockroach, Shark & Elephant.

The first thing I notice is that both Cockroach and Shark has some pretty big similarities... Survival, Efficient, Keen Senses, Stealthy...

The Cockroach almost has me concerned something big will happen that I need to "survive" through... However there are many more messages... to not wasteful, Recycle, to not be a pest (or would it be to be a pest?).

The Shark... control of emotion, purposeful, always moving, keen senses... I kinda like the Shark. Also seeing get rid of excess stuff... cockroach sort of says that too... only get it if you can use it.

The Elephant... very different messages to me... Ancient Wisdom (though I guess the other 2 could go with this also), Fertility, Wealth, Good Luck, Family, Intellegence, Longevity. As much as I don't want to have a "favorite", Elephant is...
Something else about Elephant... 2010 is an Empress year. I see similarity in these two. The maternal instinct/family aspect mainly. Need to think on this some more.

I'm sure I will gain more insight and have more to say as I research more and spend time with them.

One other thing... we actually have a colony of Roaches we breed. We have Bearded Dragons and they eat them. Yes they are big tropical roaches. Mostly I don't touch them... they creep me out. Pretty much all bugs do.

1 comment:

  1. Hi. I looked it up online and that pathfinders animal totem deck is so cute! I want one... =D

    When I saw the Elephant, it reminded me of my favorite Hindu God, "Ganesh". He is the destroyer of obstacles. He symbolizes success, wealth, and is related to arts and crafts.

    I don't know how to read this oracle yet but it looks fun to learn.
